Why Tammy
“The encounter was motivating and empowering; I learned the importance of personal and professional goal-setting and with Tammy’s direction identified methods for achieving these goals. I now understand just how important it is to identify goals and put in play methods for achieving them. Tammy taught me the importance of planning and working toward the future that I want, not just hoping for it."
Alexandra Mexis
Shipping Manager, Transam Noumea
"As a catalyst introduced into a company to motivate and induce positive change, I can recommend Tammy Hamawi."
Giles Jephcott
Shipping Manager, Transam Noumea
“The biggest insight I have learned from Tammy is that not all goals are good goals. I was exhausting myself setting and achieving these goals because I was afraid that if I relaxed and did nothing, I would have to really confront some of the internal beliefs I had about success, relationships and self-worth. I still work with Tammy, as it’s her experience and her honesty that are so rare. I have worked with many life coaches and also counsellors, however I would go a few times and get bored and cease my sessions. The robustness of the experience is what keeps me coming back. I hold a demanding and challenging role within the corporate IT sector and I also have PR obligations of being an author, so learning life balance and purpose has been my challenge.”
Jodi Williams
Author/Public Speaker, Lap-Band and Laughter
"I have the deepest respect and admiration for Tammy... She has the remarkable gift of being able to evoke excellence in others. Through her warmth and generosity of spirit, she is able to lead people towards the self-belief and confidence necessary to enhance their personal and professional lives. Tammy leads by example… She is the change she wants to support in her clients. She has helped me to identify my strengths and continues to empower me through her positive encouragement."
Tracey Slocum, Dip T.B.Sc (Psychology)
Counsellor, Brisbane, Australia
“I hold Tammy and her many quite extraordinary people skills in the very highest regard. I particularly feel that one of Tammy’s greatest assets is her ability to motivate people.”
Barry J. Misiurak
Managing Director, Pacific Asia Express
“Any organisation or person will find Tammy’s inexhaustible energy, quick and articulate mind, drive, and enthusiasm an asset, not to mention an opportunity to build, develop, or create a solid foundation in any endeavor they wish to undertake."
Jacquelene Sadek
Business Owner, Yoga N Alchemy
"With her assistance, I have developed new skills I was not aware I possessed and I've used these acquired skills in developing my freight-forwarding business and have seen double-digit growth within my first year of trading. I often seek Tammy's advice and guidance."
Chris J. McCabe
Managing Director, Asean Pacific Logistics
“Tammy’s highly interactive KPI program delivers structure and impact. It equips individuals with solid techniques/skills that can be applied immediately to increase personal and organisational effectiveness. The program materials are of the highest quality, and the best practice techniques are useful resources that employees can quickly add to their toolkits."
Vince Hattie
Proprietor, Freight Services LTD
"The three months she worked with me were the hardest yet the most rewarding months of my life. Being able to self-analyze and have someone by your side to motivate, challenge, and drive you to achieve your dreams, goals, and aspirations, was an amazing experience."
Alanna Aarts
Exporter, KPINZ
“Awe inspiring stuff! Tammy was mesmerizing to listen to, her enthusiasm and passion is infectious. The life and leadership coaching really made a difference to my life professionally, in my personal development and is helping me reach my potential. Tammy imparted her knowledge and leadership experience in an insightful and unique style. I would recommend this coaching for executives who want to achieve ‘above and beyond’ experiences from a coach with a proved track record of making it to the top."
Sheila Beard
Account Manager, ANL Container Line
“There are precious moments in life, when you have the opportunity to listen to someone that has the ability to lift you up, show you reason, and challenge the boundaries….which is where the journey begins. Tammy Hamawi has a gift and it needs to be shared."
Kennedy Simpson
General Manager, Pacific Direct Line Shipping
“Tammy would be an absolutely brilliant business coach and mentor for anyone looking to achieve a high level of success in their lives, both in business and at a personal level."
Jeremy Back
Managing Director, Nelson & Robertson Exports PTY LTD
“Tammy has been inspirational to her staff, managers, directors, peers. There is just no doubt that her energy and mentoring focus will benefit many other individuals and groups, whichever background they come from."
Benoit Marcenac
Managing Director, Sofrana Unilines
"Tammy is one of only a handful of women worldwide who have maintained the position of general manager, director, and shareholder within the shipping industry. Tammy has been the architect of bringing six competitive shipping lines into joint ventures, creating trust where previously there was none. This is due to the respect and credibility brought about by her extremely high moral and ethical standards, for which she is renowned throughout the industry."
Olivier Ravel
Director & CEO, Pacific Direct Line Shipping
“I believe that Tammy is someone whose experience and advice is well worth listening to and learning from. Apart from being a very stylish and engaging person, the respectful, empathetic and heartfelt approach she takes to all aspects of her life provide, in my experience, tangible benefits and outcomes across a whole range of activities – professional and personal."
John Gresson
Director, Reef Group Limited
“Tammy’s ability to turn any organization around into a positive and forward-moving team environment would be something I would highly recommend to any CEO or motivated business owner.”
Peter J. Townley
Managing Director & CEO, Townley Group International PTY LTD